To view the Tinana State School Dress code.pdf
The Uniform Shop is run by Volunteer Members of the Tinana State School Parents and Citizens Association on a not for profit basis to keep prices competitive as a service to the Tinana School community.
Online orders available via Qkr!
Qkr! with MasterPass is the secure and easy way to order and pay for school items, giving you the flexibility to place orders at a time and place that suits you.
Uniforms available for purchase
There is also a large range of second hand school uniforms and accessories, including polo shirts, jackets, girls shorts and skirts, boys shorts, winter uniforms and other items. |
We greatly accept donations of pre-loved School Uniforms. Drop off at the Uniform Shop, or to the ladies in the Administration Office.
Order and Pay via the Qkr! App and your order
will be given to your child to bring home.
Cash & EFTPOS payments also available.
Opening hours
During School Terms only. Shop is located at the end of the School Hall building, closest to Hall carpark (blue doors).
Fridays 8am -9am. This is when QKR! orders are filled.
Additional operating hours for the last week of holidays in January and at the beginning of the first school week will be advertised in the School Newsletter, Website, on the School Notice Board and in the Administration Office.