Assessment and Monitoring
At Tinana State School, our teachers use a variety of
standardised and diagnostic assessments to diagnose learning needs, determine
achievement and inform teaching. Assessment is consistent across year levels
and is front-ended at the beginning of a unit of work. Students are assessed
throughout and at the end of a unit of work to determine their overall
understanding. Students in Years 3 and 5 participate in NAPLAN
(National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy).
Sequencing Teaching and Learning
Our whole school Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting
Plan ensures a cohesive progression and sequence of learning. Our students are
exposed to a wide variety of learning opportunities through each of the
learning areas across all year levels. We also provide many opportunities for
students to be involved in a range of additional curriculum offerings.
Making Judgements
Our teachers work in year level teams to ensure
consistency of expectations. Consistent teaching and learning practices are
defined through our Pedagogical Framework. We prioritise teacher professional development
to ensure best practice and improved outcomes for all students. Student
assessment pieces and portfolios are moderated across year levels and across
the Maryborough Cluster to ensure consistency of assessment and
Quality Feedback Processes -
to parents occurs four times each school year across two platforms:
standards-based judgments to award a level of achievement for student work demonstrated in
response to summative
for a learning area and/or subject. At Tinana State School this is the C2C
Assessment task. Summative assessment tasks contribute to the overall rating
for the semester in the learning area and form part of the student folio that
is used to moderate student achievement levels.
Teachers provide feedback to students both formally
and informally through a variety of modes, including; conferencing, written
feedback and verbal feedback.
Information Communication Technology
Students and teachers at TSS have access to a range of
information, communication technologies including; computer lab and computers
in every block, iPads, and a range of other devices and software. Teachers and
students use information, communication technologies to inquire, communicate
and create.
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art,
Tinana, integrative and/or collaborative STEAM education provides an
opportunity for teachers to introduce students to STEAM concepts that provide
them with critical skills for the future and that may lead them to pursuing STEAM
careers.STEAM knowledge, understanding and
skills are included in the Australian Curriculum learning areas of Science,
Mathematics, Arts and Technologies. Using maths and sciences
inquiry and problem solving strategies, and other opportunities to bring
together technology and creative arts, students will be immersed in a STEAM